Hypnosis for Health & Healing MP3 - Giovanni Lordi
Promotes Better Health & Recovery Through Your Mind-Body Connection!

Helps Promote Better Health & Healing From Illness
This is a specialist 'mind-body' connection form of of hypnotherapy. It uses protocols developed to help restore balance & harmony to the physical systems by tapping into the power of the subconscious mind. It also contains suggestions to promote a more healthy lifestyle, helping you more automatically be aware of what you eat, physical activity, sleep patterns, and being more relaxed and stress free. For this reason it can be used by any person who wishes to promote better health or to assist in the recovery process from injury or illness. An important facet of good health is having a healthy mind - and this is exactly what this session is designed to achieve.
Main Suggestions & Techniques...
- Utilizing subconscious healing forces to bring the body back to balance and harmony.
- Promoting positive thinking towards realizing better health
- Better eating, exercise, sleep & relaxation - all important for maintaining better health
- Detach any negative emotions that could be affecting your physical self at a deeper level
- Helping activate a positive 'fighting spirit' against illness or health issues within the mind
- Simply experiencing a deeply relaxed delta state of brainwave activity which can help overall health
What is the Mind Body Connection?
Part of this hypnotherapy program works primarily on the connection between your mind and body. This is essentially the interaction between certain roles of your mind and the physical systems of the body it controls - e.g. breathing, regulating the immune system, controlling injury response, etc. Much research has been undertaken recently on this as we begin to understand more and more about how it all works. What some research has found is that hypnosis can tap into the unconscious/subconscious part of the mind where these processes occur, and with the right suggestion, actually create new patterns and restore balance to have some remarkable affects. For this particular session, Giovanni uses suggestions simply to keep the mind in a positive direction towards balance, harmony and restoration in the aim of assisting create better health.
Reaching the Delta Level of Trance
Like all of Giovanni's recordings, this session contains spoken guided hypnosis, binaural beats, subliminal messages and relaxing music. For this particular program the binaural beats (which help lower brainwaves into more relaxed states) progress down in to the 'Delta Levels'. Delta is the lowest of brainwave activity; wherein you will experience the most deep levels of trance. Delta is also said to be where physical recuperation is heightened, just like in the deepest levels of sleep our mind & body become most restored. For this reason you will experience extended levels of Delta trance using this program, helping activate the healing connections of the mind.
Product Specifications
- 01. Introduction.mp3 (5mins - 6MB)
- 02. Hypnosis Session.mp3 (54mins - 62MB)
- Important Instructions.pdf (PDF - 2MB)
"Healthy mind, healthy body, calm and balanced, vibrant, healthy actions, positive health, positive mind, feeling good, I deserve good health, I am healthy, I can, I am, perfect health."
Success Stories
The CDs are really good. I used the turn back time CD and I sleep so much better, wake up and have so much more energy and am so focused that it is scary. Also I haven't had a problem with my arthritis now too. And a couple of people I the last few weeks telling me I look younger. Usually people say you look like in your in my mind mid 40's but now they said I look like around 35. It's a bloody miracle.
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