Teresa Lewis
Teresa is an accredited mesmerist and mesmerism trainer, intuitive consultant, meditator, and life coach. She has appeared on stage at major conventions in Sydney and Brisbane she has spoken at festivals, radio, national television, networking functions and business launches. Teresa has many clients around the world and she is highly respected as a professional Intuitive Consultant, Coach and Clairvoyant.
- An Internationally Authorized Magnetist and Mesmerism Trainer by Dr Marco Paret
- Civil Marriage Celebrant
- Workplace Trainer and Assessor
- Alcohol and Drug Youth Worker
After gaining a foundation of many spiritual tools, her thirst for knowledge in metaphysics lead her to attract some amazing teachers from around the world into her life, such as Joan Gattuso, James Twyman, Drew Lawrence, Ken Page and Dr Michael Mirdad. She worked closely promoting some of their tours and realized once the workshops and tours were over not much had consistently changed in her life. Old habits soon returned. Around 1999 all areas of her life began to collapse. She went through a devastating dark period physically, financially, mentally emotionally and spiritually. Internally and externally she kept seeking solutions for change. Somehow she knew there had to be another way, and that she must find a way to transform her life of just existence, pain and limitation, into one of abundance, freedom, love, trust and happiness.