You, Me and OBE’s

Leanne Phillips Describes (Oasis of Inner Light) How to Have an Out of Body Experience
My first memory of out of body experiences goes all the way back to when I was 5 years old. I remember vividly the process I would undertake;
- Step one unscrew arms and legs
- Step two become very very heavy sinking into the bed
- Step three breath
And there I would be flying high as a large bird my arms now wings and my legs tail feathers guiding me across the sky. I would do this every night and take yellow tulips and pop them into window boxes on these grey cement looking buildings because everyone there seemed so sad I thought they would like a little ray of sunshine.
As I grew I forgot about this experience until the day the Berlin Wall came down and then I saw the grey buildings for the first time in real time, my mouth fell open as I recalled the childhood experience.
I have since that time as a child consciously left my body and Astral Traveled many times, now I use a different process with the same outcome. I love to leave this three dimensional world and visit the vivid and alive outer worlds that we can only access in our energy body. I once visited the stars and planets far from our galaxy and fell in love and was in awe of their absolute beauty, the colours so grand that it is impossible to describe them in mere words it was as if I could feel them, taste them, and smell them.
The most profound experience was feeling the difference in the energy of these outer worlds, nothing like here on earth. The energy was uplifting and filled with potential waiting to be used, I also had the feeling that who or what ever inhabited these worlds did use the potential which then created even more potential which again was used and the process just kept repeating itself. I have brought this concept back with me and live it in my life because of visiting these places I know it works and now after living my life this way I have experienced it firsthand. If we use or tap into our potential we unlock or access even more that dwells within us and we become limitless beings aware of our absolute potential.
I believe that we have access to this gift so that we can release ourselves from the daily grind, and experience all of what the Universe has out there past our little galaxy to awaken us to the understanding that we are only part of the grand puzzle called the Universe. Whether we are on our spiritual path or not, having out of body experiences is something that we all do with or without our knowledge of it, most nights our energetic body will leave our physical body to do a myriad of things, we could be travelling to visit a loved one, or to take healing to someone or something, we could be visiting other worlds, or as my child self did, take a little ray of sunshine to folk that are sad.
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