Positive Self Image = Positive Weight Loss

16th July 2012

When it comes to losing weight (and most personal issues in general too), to make lasting permanent change you must change the way you view yourself first. How you view yourself is known as your 'self image'. If you have a negative self image because of the way you look, you must first change this before or during your weight loss program. If you don’t, then it doesn’t matter how much weight you lose, you will still be haunted by that negative self image down the track. If your self image does not align with the new 'you' that you see in the mirror, chances are you will go back to the same habits & routines again. This is one of the main reasons why people fail long term in their weight loss goals, and end up putting the weight back on.

Your self image is very important to success in everything you do. One of the primary roles of your subconscious mind is to protect you. Depending of the severity of a particular emotion/s, your subconscious may sometimes 'over-protect' you without you even knowing this. If you have struggled with obesity throughout your life or have been teased or bullied because of this, it may build up quite a strong negative self image. Your subconscious mind will then begin to form decision making patterns to counteract this. This direction can be very different amongst different people, like some people shy away from crowds, and others may even do the opposite to become the center of attention. The main thing to realize is that your self image will create patterns for you at a subconscious level to protect you from those painful emotions.

Tips & Techniques

So when looking at starting a weight loss program, it is important to change your self image to the positive first. Here are some great ways to change your self image practically:

Focusing on the Positive

This can be achieved by finding all the things you really love about the way you look or feel about yourself and focusing these. Consciously be aware to only think positive thoughts and you will be very surprised by the direction this will take you.

The Mirror technique

Every time you look in a mirror always look for the things in yourself that you like, and compliment yourself for being like this. Say thank you for being healthy, and strong, each time you look in a mirror. If you never look in a mirror, try to make a habit to do this a few times a day. Eventually this will become good habit for you.

Changing Your Self-Talk

Be consciously aware every time you think of something negative - switch it around straight away. Say inside your mind or even aloud, the exact opposite of what you are thinking or a way that you can improve upon it in the future. For example you might think:

"I can’t wear that dress because I look fat"

Instead think or say:

"I'll look much better in that dress in a few months when my weight loss goals are successful"

Sounds simple, but to be honest most of life's answers really are sometimes. Just try it and see what happens...

Using Hypnosis

It can also be significantly changed by using hypnosis to first change your own self image before you use hypnosis to help you lose weight. Doing this you will begin to view yourself in a better light and begin to undo all those subconscious patterns that stem from a bad self image. Programs like my Hypnosis for Self Esteem or Rick'sHappiness & Self Esteem can really help with this. use these before or in conjunction with the other weight loss specific titles.


Sometimes all it takes a little awareness and looking a little deeper to discover the answers. Simply by reading this article we hope that it has provided some new ways at looking at this, particularly if you have lost weight before and put it back on. By understanding and becoming more aware of how your mind works, sometimes this all that is needed for the light-bulb to switch on and for you to begin putting the necessary thought and action into place.


Doing this and improving your own self image, once you begin to see the physical results of your weight loss goals, your mind will be in the same place too. This will help you in the long term stay on track and not return to the same old patterns. So often it is self image or self esteem that is causing other unwanted patterns in our life. By fixing how you view yourself, you can so much more easily fix other things too. Good luck, and please consider using some of the programs found in the link below, as well as the above tips to help you in your weight loss goals.

Hypnosis Programs for Weight Loss

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