A Formula for Manifestation

Planning, patience, and persistence are of prime importance.
Let your mind do the creating and your mouth hands and feet do the manifesting.
Ask with expectancy of receiving.
Know that you will succeed.
Humans do not move into the future, the future moves towards humans.
What we are thinking and doing now creates the future.
All material things are created from the human imagination.
The spoken and written word and physical effort brings thoughts to realities.
Passion creates physical and emotional energy.
Patience allows things to arrive at the right time.
Failure always comes before success.
State often and passionately OUT LOUD what it is that you want to achieve or do.
The emotional content of your thoughts pervade within your transmitting energy, attracting opportunities and circumstances within your environment as the future moves towards you. Focus clear positive emotion at what you want to achieve then do whatever is legally and morally required to achieve your ends.
Thought; Passion; Belief; Effort; Hard Work; Potential Failure; Result
Don't fall for the nonsense that life will always just be OK, because it won't. Put plainly. Like it or not on a personal national and global level Bad Stuff Happens!!!! So have your shovel ready. Never take failure personally, and no matter how bad anything might appear at the time, the sun always rises the next day.
By Rick Collingwood
This is a good article. Thanks for posting it.
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