Can Daydreaming Lead To Unhappiness?

Even If You’re Thinking Pleasant Thoughts?
The NY Times reports Harvard psychologists analyzed a quarter-million survey responses to find that minds wandered 47% of the time. Those daydreamers were not as happy as people who were focused on the task at hand . . . whatever it might have been.
- Do minds typically stray toward negative thoughts? To do lists, etc?
- Why does focusing keep us happy?
- What if you’re doing something unpleasant, like taxes?
- Can’t daydreaming bring you to a happier place?
- Is it about being present mentally in your daily life?
- What can you do to stay in a happy place?
By David Ruben
Happiness Coach, David Ruben, has over 17 years of experience coaching countless people to in “staying present” and experiencing crucial breakthroughs with life barriers to achieve the joy and success they are desperately searching for.
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