Youth & Vitality 5 MP3 Hypnosis Program - Giovanni Lordi
3 years in the making, this is a very special 5 part program to become immersed in youth, vitality, energy, & defying the burden of age.

Turn Back Time to Re-experience Youth & Vitality!
Initially born out of a desire to turn 'what if' into 'this is', these hypnosis sessions used together are designed help to transform all parts of you emotionally, mentally and physically towards reaching optimal youth, energy, vibrancy, & vitality. In simple terms... to look, feel, and act young in every sense.
Saying that any product can make you reverse aging and look younger is a big claim. So we don't say that about this program. But what we will say is that this series is over 3 years in the making... developing each of the recordings with many 'tweaks' in the hypnosis scripts to improve the effectiveness based on the results of the extensive private trials we have conducted. The results have been nothing short of astonishing to say the least... so it is our pleasure to now be able to share this very special 5 part program with you.
A Message From Giovanni...
Throughout my career as a hypnotherapist I have always been driven to push the boundaries of what this amazing modality can achieve. Nothing has fascinated me more than the concept of implementing change on a physical level, particularly in regards to the effects of time on the physical self. In my experiences with my clients, those who have used my, and all the other people I have worked with, I continue to be amazed by what I see every day.
For many years I have researched and applied the use of clinical hypnosis for physical conditions. For just as many years I have extensively researched for as much information as I could find about 'anti-aging' - namely from scientists/researchers (some of my biggest influences) like David Wolfe, Bruce Lipton, Gregg Braden etc. If you are familiar with their work you will know their concepts for factors like the Telomeres, Pineal Gland, Biology of Belief etc. on aging.
This series is the implementation of the research conducted on anti-aging with the application of hypnosis through the mind-body connection.
5 Full Length Hypnotherapy Sessions
None of the recordings are available for individual sale - only in this pack.
The 5 MP3s in this program were all created to encompass the Mind, the Body, & the Soul. In other words, a fully holistic approach to dealing with all the factors of age and staying young on every level.
Session 1. The Mind
This part of the program is about disassociating the numbers (age) which have been reinforced in us since we were children. For example the general classification of 'middle age' used to be around 35-40 years old. Around this age most people would say to themselves "I am half way through my life" - like they are already programming within to die around 70–80 years which is the average age of living. In this session we disassociate the numbers - changing the word 'old' into the words 'wisdom', 'experience' and 'young', because 60 is a young age compared to 1000. This will elevate you to a new level where age is just a number, without worrying about any of the side effects associated with getting older.
This session also goes through the other key factors to help stay youthful like sleeping better, sharpening your mind, removing any stress or anxiety, being conscious of what you eat, drinking lots of water, and generally promoting feelings of wellbeing.
Another part of this session regresses you back to a point in your life where you most felt vibrant, young & full of life. Through the power of association, this helps transfer new mental and emotional connections to feeling, being, and looking younger on every level. On a holistic level this part of the program will fully enhance your mental perceptions and help begin the process of deep seeded change.
Running time: 66mins
Trance level/Binaural Beats: 7Hz theta to 5Hz theta
Soundtrack: Relaxing music, rainforest sounds, binaural beats
Session 2. The Body (Part 1)
The body is the store-house of our emotions. When we have a thought, the body identifies the part that reacts through our nervous system and behaviour. Studies have shown that the shock conflict or stress is associated to a lot of illness and disease. In this part of the program we flush the body and promote healing through a new memory of health youth and vitality. This is done by in lower levels of Delta trance through deep hypnosis, where recuperation is heightened and total harmony spread to every cell in your body. Through the power of suggestion & metaphor, this is the first step to restore harmony & balance at a physical level. In this part are suggestions to help improve your overall health & wellbeing, heighten your internal regulating mechanisms, and to bring youth and vitality to all parts of you.
Running time: 74mins
Trance level/Binaural Beats: 5Hz theta to 3hz Delta
Soundtrack: Relaxing music, rainforest sounds, binaural beats, Tibetan Bell, repeated keywords
Session 3. The Body (Part 2)
Continuing on from 'The Body Part 1', this 2nd session will take you to even deeper levels of deep Delta trance. In this part we bring the body back to a memory of complete health and attempt for the subconscious to replicate the cells of this memory. It has been said that every cell in our body is renewed within a 7 year period – most cells being within 1 year. So what we are doing here is as the cells renew, to help imprint them with a new memory of health, youth and vitality. In this section there is much focus given to restoring balance and harmony to the Telomeres and Pineal Gland – both of which are closely linked to the process of physical aging. Through the power of suggestion Giovanni will help you regulate these into optimal functioning. Another very important aspect of this particular session is simply being in a very deep state of Delta. This is assisted with the binaural beats and extended spoken hypnotic 'deepening'. Delta brainwave cycles (as experienced in the very deepest of REM sleep)are proven to assist physical recuperation, heightened recovery and slowing the aging process. This is absolutely essential to the overall effectiveness of the program.
Running time: 68mins
Trance level/Binaural Beats: 4Hz Delta to 2hz Delta (Very low trance)
Soundtrack: Relaxing music, rainforest sounds, binaural beats, Tibetan Bell, repeated keywords
Session 4. The 'Soul' (Passion of the Heart)
"Whatever the heart feels the mind will see and the body will follow" In other words this particular session is about bringing passion, vibrancy, energy, and a new lease on life. Passion is our driving force to live. Most people never live their true desires and their life simply goes by with regret - especially as we get older. This MP3 will re-spark your passion, reinvent you, and promote the drive you to make it happen in a youthful smart way.
This really does assist with looking and feeling younger on all levels through the transfer of thought, to action, to creating patterns on a deeper level emotionally, mentally & within the mind-body connection. This is implemented towards the absolute core essence of your 'being' or fundamental thought process (hence termed 'soul'). The hypnosis suggestions will help reprogram all thought away from a 'defeatist' attitude of getting older, and instead replace this with a new approach to living an exciting, fun and passionate life every single day. This in turn will transfer to all parts of you through what is known as the 'biology of belief' - i.e. 'think and you will become'.
Running time: 58mins
Trance level/Binaural Beats: 7Hz Theta to 5hz Theta
Soundtrack: Relaxing music, rainforest sounds, binaural beats
Session 5. Longevity & Health
This part of the program helps remove all worries about things like death, 'how long am I going to live?', fear of illness/disease, and short life expectancy etc. You can remove the fear by refocusing on thoughts of longevity, vitality, better health, and strength, all without the thoughts and feelings that hold you back. This will help put everything into place so you can move forward with all the new changes. In this session Giovanni covers all the mental, emotional and physical aspects required to stay young and healthy. It is a complete reinforcement of everything you have to do consciously and unconsciously to help stop the aging process. This is very important and a crucial part of putting everything into action so that you can remain youthful, vibrant and happy no matter your age.
Running time: 60mins
Trance level/Binaural Beats: 7Hz Theta to 5hz Theta
Soundtrack: Relaxing music, rainforest sounds, binaural beats
Instructions For Use
Alternate between the 5 sessions in this pack (according to tips below) for between 3 to 6 months.
This program is unique as it works on you, and where you are at this point in time. So if you have lost your drive and passion, listen to the 'The Soul' recording first. If you have body issues listen to 'The Body Part 1' and 'The Body Part 2' recordings first. If you find yourself thinking old, listen to 'The Mind recording first etc.
When listening to the 'Body Part 1' or 'Body Part 2' sessions, have a 'one day on' and than 'one day off' routing (only use once ever 2 days). It is also good to alternate between both parts of these recordings every other day.
For all the other recordings please use them at least once per day/night - having 1 day per week.
Product Specifications
- 01. The Mind (65mins 63MB)
- 02. The Body 1 (75mins 84MB)
- 03. The Body 2 (68mins 63MB)
- 04. Longevity (60mins 69MB)
- 05. The Soul (58mins 53MB)
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