Knowing Success (Book) - Rick Collingwood
Rick's first book is an insight into hypnosis, global conspiracy theories, economy, politics & empowering techniques to move forward from it all

Thought & Philosophy for the New Millennium
Rick Collingwood's first book, Knowing Success, is a powerful journey of self discovery and awareness. It covers firstly a number of dangerous illusions and conspiracies that are facing society and how they affect our lives. Then the book delves into how the human mind works on a deeper level and to use this information to increase your own awareness to these illusions. The final part of this book then gives you some powerful practical applications and techniques to use this information to empower your life.
Written by one of the world's leading hypnotists and mind clinicians, Knowing Success is set apart from other self help books in that it simply goes deeper. Deeper into the truth about modern conspiracies such as the monetary system, pharmacy companies and global warming. Deeper into true analysis of thought and action on a conscious and subconscious level, to put forth techniques that simply are not known by the vast majority of people but can quite simply allow you to achieve unprecedented success in every level of your life. Deeper into understanding your true being. Deeper into understanding how your mind really works. Deeper into how to get the most out of every single part of your life.
This book contains a number of hypnotic techniques that you can use to empower yourself and others around you. It is also formatted to empower you on the conscious level to become aware of the tricks used by the government and corporation to make you believe what they ant you to believe. Once you understand how this all works you will elevate to a new personal level of clarity an realization that will help give you the tools to "Fight back"
Success is a word that has become overused and dis-empowered over the years. many people only associate success with financial achievement. This is simply not true. Knowing Success is so called, because it gives you the knowledge and the action to become successful in anything that you do.
"Give a man a fish - feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish - feed him for a lifetime"
This is the essence of this book. To give you the information on what is happening around you and most importantly - the ability to maximize your own abundant inner potential to rise above and achieve TRUE SUCCESS in every part of your life.
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