Hypnosis for Social Anxiety (Agoraphobia)
Break free from the fear of public places, crowds & people to begin experiencing all that life has to offer without limits!

Detach the fear and experience life without limits!
Social anxiety (Agoraphobia) is one of the most logically irrational, yet widespread of all fears. To someone who has never experienced this, it is almost impossible to explain why it happens and how crippling it can actually be. Put simply it defies logic. However as you are probably aware, all sense of logic is thrown out the door when you are in the middle of a panic attack or overwhelmed with fear about an upcoming event or interaction because of it.
This is where hypnotherapy can really help. By accessing the underlying subconscious processes which cause social anxiety, it is possible to redirect these to more positive and beneficial outcomes. By removing the fear and developing more effective ways of coping with stressful social situations, it is possible to break-free from the crippling effects of Agoraphobia and start living a more fulfilling non-restricted life.
Suitable for varying degrees of social anxiety
This hypnotherapy program is designed to assist anywhere from mild social anxiety all the way through to advanced agoraphobia. Whether you have troubles socializing, being around groups of people, visiting public places, or simply leaving the house, it will be of great assistance.
Giovanni uses numerous hypnotic techniques to target the underlying emotions and embedded patterns driving the anxiety, whilst helping develop an empowered new mindset conducive to looking forward to being around people rather than dreading it. Furthermore it will help control associated panic attacks and provide a new foundation to be more confident, communicate better and gain control of your emotions at all times.
Contains proven cognitive behavioral therapy techniques
Research suggests that up to 40% of people in the US have some degree of social anxiety now. This is nothing short of an epidemic - there is no other way to put it unfortunately. Things like technology, social media and the broader media in modern times certainly have influenced these numbers. However there are also many other modern cultural and societal factors driving these figures too. Traditionally psychotherapy and cognitive behavioral therapy have been the main treatment methods used for Agoraphobia.
Giovanni has incorporated many of the key techniques used in these approaches within the script, using hypnosis to deliver them at a deeper and more sustainable level subconsciously. These include:
- Positive self-talk and reinforcement techniques to cope with the anxiety
- Desensitization by promoting the accomplishment of small goals one at a time
- Prompting more persistence in awkward situations to gradually lower anxiety levels
- Identifying & moving beyond factors which may trigger panic-like symptoms
- Detaching the irrational perception that people are watching or judging you
- Challenging the logic & likelihood of something bad happening in situations that worry you most
- Flipping not wanting to be the centre of attention into actually embracing & looking forward to it
Assists other changes on a personal level
As well as directly targeting the cause and effect of social anxiety, this hypnosis session will also help promote personal development in other related areas. On the recording Giovanni will help guide you through how to:
- Overcome a low self-esteem
- Promote assertiveness
- Remove negative self-talk
- Become less sensitive to criticism
- Enhance your social and communication skills
Available as an instant download MP3
If you have had enough of living with the crippling effects of social anxiety this hypnosis session is a very affordable and effective place to start. The recording is ultra-high quality and features relaxing binaural beats to help seamlessly guide your mind into a pleasant level of hypnosis. If you would like to start using it straight away simply choose the 'Downloadable MP3' option and after checkout you will be able to immediately download the audio files. If you prefer to have a sent to you in the post, please choose the 'Shipped ' option instead.
Product Specifications
- 01. Introduction.mp3 (5mins - 6MB)
- 02. Hypnosis.mp3 (48mins - 54.7MB)
"I am a great communicator, I enjoy socializing, I respect myself, I love the person who I am, I enjoy interacting with people, I am a great listener, I am intelligent, self-reassured, I am secure about who I am, I am confident, I flow with the rhythm of my life, I am, I can"
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