Autism 3 Part Hypnotherapy Program MP3s - Rick Collingwood
3 hypnosis sessions specifically designed to help children minimize the effects of Autism & lead a more conventional life.

Creating a New Patterns to Minimize the Effects of Autism
This bed time and quiet time audio program for Autism is designed to work on a subconscious level and uses metaphorical story techniques, visualizations, positive affirmations, special frequencies, and music to assist with more positive internal processing and environmental responses. Each MP3 in the program targets a specific area of concern for common autistic children and when used as a program, provides a holistic approach to better cope with autism in day to day life.
View an amazing story about Andrew who used this program and spoke for the first time
Because the program works on a subconscious level while they sleep, the new patterns, ideas and processes that are taught to the child through positive metaphorical stories are more likely to become a part of their daily thoughts and actions. This means the program can literally change the way they approach dealing with different situations in their life and move beyond frustration and self-confidence issues relatively easily.
Embedded into each MP3 story is a classical music background that was structured in accordance with the many scientific studies proving a positive relationship between musical therapy and autism. The music is designed to calm and relax the child and help them achieve a deeper a more relaxed and comfortable experience. This is furthered by the use of Neurosonicâ„¢ Frequencies embedded within the audio - which are proven through the use of Electroencephalogram (EEG) to create a theta brainwave resonance state to help calm and relax the child. Simply put, these frequencies are a combination of an exact theta rhythm and an F Sharp monophonic tone and they help to synchronize the brainwave resonance into the theta state.
These programs were developed and recorded by Rick Collingwood, a leading international authority on hypnosis and mind-body communication techniques. Rick has worked with many children and adults who have Autism and Aspergers Syndrome. Many have experienced some incredible results using the same techniques that are recorded on to this program.
Important Information: These programs are completely safe and they have often demonstrated to be highly beneficial for many children and adults who suffer from all forms of Autism and Aspergers. The programs ARE NOT A CURE FOR AUTISM or ANY OTHER MENTAL OR PHYSICAL CONDITION and THEY DO NOT REPLACE PROFESSIONAL or MEDICAL ADVICE or TREATMENTS. If you are in doubt consult your medical professional.
Contains 3 Full Length Hypnosis Programs for the Price of 2!
Love to Learn
This phase of the program talks about the importance of persistence and working towards the goal of understanding and being educated. It can help a child develop more of a commitment to furthering their learning experiences without getting frustrated or unmotivated. It will teach them that it is fun to learn and experience new things and the importance of paying attention in class or when they are being taught something. It uses strong visualization techniques specifically designed for children with Autism to absorb more easily.
This audio program will help children with Autism integrate into a conventional school and develop a willingness to learn and hence reduce their limitations in life.
- Help the child to understand the processes involved in the transition of childhood to adulthood through learning and why this is important
- How to make learning fun through metaphors of how the lion cubs made going to school an exciting experience
- Help address fears of going to school
- Visualization techniques using a stick to write down things in the dirt that stop them from learning and then how to move beyond these by drawing positive pictures with the same stick in the dirt and then scrape them away
- Affirmation reinforcement techniques to cement new and more beneficial attitudes towards learning permanently
Helping Autism
This bed time audio program uses visualization techniques, specifically designed to appeal to children with autism and most importantly, to create visual connections for better auditor and verbal responses. This is a similar approach to how therapists and child psychologists use pictures and signs to help create links between words and their meanings, except that the visualization is achieved through deep relaxation communication techniques inside the child's mind. This helps create more sustainable new neurological pathways and methods of better understanding what people are saying to the child.
- Learning how to communicate and talk to people step by step
- Builds confidence to empower the child to be able to do and say things without fear or frustration
- Positive metaphors to sets realistic goals for self-advancement - 1 month to start off with to make a sound - then build upon that step by step, talking more and more and building from the ground up a new pattern
- Keep a happy picture in their mind like a dream, imprint that picture and use it as a goal to work step by step to creating positivity, fun and confidence
- Learn how to deal with negative thoughts and turn them into happy ones by closing a door and keeping the happy picture at the forefront
- Teaches children with Autism that 'they can'
- Instills anger control mechanisms for helping to deal with times when they are highly frustrated or angry
At the core of autism is often self-confidence and self-esteem issues. This usually derives from the child feeling like they are different from the other children and knowing they have trouble communicating with other people. This audio program directly targets these issues by helping the child understand that they
It teaches children through metaphorical story about an Octopus and an Eagle with:
- Love themselves, who they are and what they are
- How Moral the Octopus learnt how to 'let go' of the anchor rope to which he clung in fear of the other creatures in the sea
- Positively assess who they are and what they want from life
- Be positive, happy, strong and self-respecting like an eagle soaring across the sky
- How to interact with the other 'eagles' to build a strong network of people around them
- How to ask themselves the right questions to get the right answers to get the best responses - a logical progression of thought for dealing with situations
- How to get strength from the other people in their life by accepting their help
Instructions for Use
Using the 3 MP3 titles is simple. Just download each title and put them onto an Mp3 player, play the though a computer or even urn them to a.
Play the audio at as comfortable volume for the child just before they sleep with headphones or through a stereo.
Alternate between each MP3 every night for 6 days, then on the 7th day take a break and do not use any Mp3. Repeat this for 8 weeks and thereafter you may continue to use the Mp3s if desired or if you feel more reinforcement is needed.
For example:
Monday: Coping With Autism
Tuesday: Self-Confidence
Wednesday: Love to Learn
Thursday: Coping With Autism
Friday: Self-Confidence
Saturday: Love to Learn
Sunday: Break
Repeat this for 8 weeks
Through extensive trials and customer feedback we find that about 90% of children begin to love listening to the stories each night and after a few days will even keep asking each night "put on the story please"
It is fine and actually beneficial for them to fall asleep with the MP3s on. It is also fine to use more then 1 MP3 per day - perhaps your child has some an hour quiet time during the day when they can listen to a story - this can be fast track the progression in many cases. Just try to make using the story of a night time a regular and scheduled occurrence as children with autism respond extremely well to regular patterns and schedules.
Some interesting facts about Autism
Product Specifications
- 1. Introduction (Helping Autism)
- 2. Story (Helping Autism)
- 3. Introduction (Love to Learn)
- 4. Story (Love to Learn)
- 5. Introduction (Self Confidence)
- 6. Story (Self Confidence)
Success Stories
Hi Rick,
I want to personally thank you, years ago I had regular appointments with you in your suite in Brisbane for hypnotherapy and you helped me on so many levels, when you released your CD's etc I purchased them and have been using them regularly, after what results my family and friends saw, my friends have used them, my husband uses them and my mildly autistic son uses your current children's Cd's. I am so amazed at the results from these I am considering enrolling in one of your courses in the near future so I may be able to help children with learning difficulties and special needs within the school I teach at.
To receive your email announcing the release of your Autism 3 part audio program was like winning lotto to me, I know what results we have achieved with our son from using your other cd's so I can only imagine what the new release might do for him. Please keep up your amazing journey you are helping so many.
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