Giovanni Lordi

I have worked with Rick Collingwood for 15+ years and have undertaken all facets of hypnosis training with Rick as well as other modalities including Mesmerism, NLP, TFT and Kinergetics. I use hypnosis for almost any type of issue and specialise in traditional hypnosis. I will travel within Brisbane's North and South suburbs to see you, or you can visit me in New Farm. Every session comes with a free CD/MP3 from my range of hypnosis mp3s which are available for sale on this website also. My goal is to always help get the root of any problem by having a chat with you and then use hypnotherapy to tackle this from the 'ground up' so you get solid permanent changes.
Letting Go
I have been on an emotional roller coaster for the last few months. I received some really bad news which sent me into a Spiral on Thursday. On Friday night I bought Giovannis Letting go cd and...
Super Self Confidence
Excellent self hypnosis cd. Rick has done a fine job with this one. This cd has given me the confidence to pursue goals that I held back from because I didn't believe in myself.
Quit Smoking
I quit smoking in 2005 using Rick Collingwood's Quit Smoking hypnosis program. I'm proud to say that I have never considered smoking since, thanks to the effectiveness of the hypnosis...